Saturday, July 13, 2013

Somis Nut House, Fr. Serra Church, Ronald Reagan Library and Chester's Asia Chinese Restaurant April 30, 2013

 I visited more Navy friends in Carmarillo, CA which is north of L.A. and in a beautiful hillside community near Pt. Magoo. Nearby is a small valley which grows strawberries and other produce year round. This is the first place I do think I could live in California. 
Our first stop was to buy strawberries and the man said they produce berries all year around. Sounds good to me since our Florida berries are done by the end of April. Then we stopped at the Somis Nut House. I never would have stopped if it had not been recommended by a church friend from home.
Not sure who is the nut?

They had nuts of all kinds from
all around the world.
Don't judge a nut by the cover!!!!

The church Dennis and Carol wanted me to see is awesome! I've only seen pulpits in the middle on TV and this one is live and beautiful!
El Camino Real travels all
the way up the coast.

Ft. Serra Catholic Church
Baptismal Pool
What a skylight!
Looking in.
Looking out!
Chairs with hymnals in between.
Modern Confessionals
More lights in the sky.
In the chapel and meditation room, I've never seen a crucifix quite like this one.
And beautiful.
It is also near Ronald Reagan's Library which houses the Air Force One that was used during his time. Dennis said he watched them build half the palivion, put the plane in with cranes, then build the roof over the top. It is an amazing sight and place.
Welcome to Ronald Reagan's Library and Museum
Beautiful countryside.
The driveway up to the
Library had pendants with
patriotic sayings on them.
Hello Mr. Reagan
Larger than life photo just inside the door.
And Nancy and ME!
The Reagans of Dixon, IL. Ronald
was born Feb 6, 1911. Riding
with the Hartman's years ago,
we drove through Dixon, IL.
Charlie's Dad and Mom went
to Eureka College in IL. They
met while they were students. It
was a couple of years after Reagan.
Tribute to his years in radio and
 movies, they taped me doing
  a sports broadcast!
POW bracelets while he was
governor of California.
Replica of the Oval Office when
he was President of the United States.
Because he was so tall, they had
to add a few inches to the bottom
of his desk!!!!

Nancy's suit
Ball gown
White ball gown
The assassin's gun.
Canes sent to Reagan during
his recovery from gunshot wounds.

Made with Jelly Belly beans. He
always kept some on his desk.
Repair of the
Statue of Liberty.
Statues of Reagan and Gorbachev
Re-creation of the Berlin Wall
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

Nancy's campaign "Just say NO"
TPC Village opened the year
after son Charles died as a side
effect of drugs and alcohol.
TPC Village Jacksonville 3-24-1987

Air Force One Pavilion with a plane
too large to get into one photo.
We got to enter Air Force One and
walk through. This is the plane
during Reagan's years.

Scene of the President and the
Attorney General at work.
Planes Presidents flew in along the wall!
The President's limo.
Marine One Helicopter!

Ronald Reagan died June 5, 2004

His grave

His memorial garden

And to top off a great and fun day, they told me we were going Chinese. The outside didn't give it away until we stepped inside the door and I couldn't believe my eyes. Chinese gone Italian with class! The peacocks were brilliant and the small mirrors sparkled! A feast for the eye as well as for the tummy. 
Strip Mall Restaurant (or so I thought)
OK, still didn't give it away.
Just part of the bling!!!!

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